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Moderation rules

After launching a campaign, it must go through moderation. Moderation usually takes 4-6 hours on weekdays, and 6-10 hours on weekends. Moderation hours are from 08:00 to 22:00 UTC.

Topics that do not pass moderation include:

  1. Advertising materials related to any activities are subject to special review in accordance with our internal policies and the legal requirements of the countries where the ads are displayed. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to reject, block, or restrict any advertisement in cases where it conflicts with our standards, policies, or the regulations of specific regions
  2. Graphic, shocking, or sexual content
  3. Hate, violence, harassment
  4. Third-party rights violations
  5. Deceptive, misleading, or predatory advertising
  6. Political ads, sensitive topics, religion
  7. Drugs, alcohol, tobacco
  8. Deceptive or harmful financial products or services
  9. Weapons, firearms, explosives, ammunition
  10. Spam software, malware, hacking
  11. Products of questionable legality
  12. Uncertified medical services, medications, supplements
  13. Advertising materials of other brands/companies
  14. If the advertised materials do not match the advertised product
  15. The advertised website/bot/game must be functional. If the functionality is broken, the advertisement will be rejected
  16. Services for artificial views (cheating) of advertising, ratings and other similar functionality
  17. Advertisements that infringe, offend or expose other people, brands, or companies in a negative way.