Ad Block — the ad block is the core element of the Ad Platform. The ad is shown directly in the block. You can create up to 10 blocks on one Ad Platform.
Ad Platform — your application where you plan to display ads.
Block type — the type of the block you want to show in your application.
USD₮ - Tether (USD₮) is a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar exchange rate in a 1:1 ratio, used to simplify cryptocurrency trading and minimize volatility.
Reward Url - url where server-side verification for rewarded ad will be sent.
Telegram direct link — direct link to your telegram app.
Web app url — the url of your application where it's hosted.
Bot ID — unique identifier for your bot on telegram.
Clicks — clicks on ads.
Country — the user's country from which the request for advertising came.
CPC — cost per click.
CPM (Cost per mille) — the cost of a thousand impressions.
CTR (Click-Through Rate) — CTR indicates the percentage of users who clicked on an ad relative to the total number of users who saw that ad.
Fill Rate — the Fill Rate indicates the percentage of ad requests that have been successfully matched. This is the ratio of the number of successful ad matches to the total number of ad impression requests.
Impressions — ad impressions. An impression is counted after 2 seconds of continuous viewing and block visibility by 50% or more.