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Task Integration


1. Create blockId

Create blockId with Block type Task. Detailed instruction on how to get blockId you can find in Get blockId section.

Create Task block

2. Insert script

To connect your Mini App to the AdsGram Ad Network, place the script sad.min.js in the <head> tag using this code:

<script src=""></script>

3. Use <adsgram-task> web component

To integrate the task, use the <adsgram-task> web component.


You can use this web component in html, react, vue and other frameworks like native HTML element.

your-block-id — you get from your account on
Detailed instruction on how to get blockId you can find in Get blockId section


'your-block-id' in task ads must be in the format 'task-xxx', where xxx are numbers.

<adsgram-task> can accept following attributes:

  • data-block-id — your block id from
  • data-debug — set to true to get test task from server.
  • class or className — set class name to styling task.

4. Customise task so it fits your application design

For this purpose you can use slot elements and css variables.

Slots usage

The web component supports three slots that can be styled any way you like using classes:

  • reward – displays the reward for completing the task.
  • button – the button to complete the task.
  • done – displayed instead of the button after completing the task.

Task slots

Task slots

CSS Parameters for Customization

The component supports styling via CSS variables:

--adsgram-task-font-size: /* Font size of the title */
--adsgram-task-icon-size: /* Icon size */
--adsgram-task-icon-title-gap: /* Gap between the icon and the title */
--adsgram-task-icon-border-radius: /* Border radius of the icon */
--adsgram-task-button-width: /* Width of the button for completing the task */

Usage example: Css variables

5. Subscribe to events

<adsgram-task> has custom events, you can subscribe to this event using addEventListener the same way you do for basic HTML elements.

Types of events:

rewardwhen user complete the task
onBannerNotFoundwhen there is no task to display

More Info