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Reward and Interstitial Integration


Insert script

To connect your Mini App to the AdsGram Ad Network, place the script sad.min.js in the <head> tag using this code:

<script src=""></script>

Initialize AdsGram SDK

const AdController = window.Adsgram.init({ blockId: "your-block-id" });

More info about init function you can find in API Reference section.

your-block-id — you get from your account on
Detailed instruction on how to get blockId you can find in Get blockId section

Show banner

  • Rewarded format, which mean you should give user reward when he watched ad till the end.
    More info about show ad requirements.
  • Interstitial format, which mean user can skip an ad before the end.
    More info about show ad requirements.


Below are code examples for the Rewarded format. These examples are also relevant for the Interstitial format. The only difference is that the promise resolves for ads that have been viewed till the end, as well as those that have been closed. Simple example you can find here

In most cases, the code below is used inside the click handler.
For code examples with vanilla js, React, Unity check Code examples section.

js => {
    // user watch ad till the end or close it in interstitial format
    // your code to reward user for rewarded format
}).catch((result) => {
    // user get error during playing ad
    // do nothing or whatever you want
ts ShowPromiseResult) => {
    // user watch ad till the end or close it in interstitial format
    // your code to reward user for rewarded format
}).catch((result: ShowPromiseResult) => {
    // user get error during playing ad or skip ad
    // do nothing or whatever you want

result has the following types:

interface ShowPromiseResult {
    done: boolean; // true if user watch till the end or close it in interstitial format, otherwise false
    description: string; // event description
    state: 'load' | 'render' | 'playing' | 'destroy'; // banner state
    error: boolean; // true if event was emitted due to error, otherwise false


showPromise becomes resolved if the user watches the ad till the end or close it in interstitial format, otherwise rejected.


Chain promise with finally if you need to add any extra action after the ad ends playing, is skipped or gets an error.

Congratulations, you've just showed your first ad using AdsGram!

More Info